5. Search
5. Search
Search Drop Down
There is a handy search field on the top of each page, which adapts its functions dynamically to the page you're currently browsing. The search function only searches the area where you currently are, so if you are reading a thread using the search will search this very thread only. If you want to search the whole forum you will have to search from the start page. The search field also holds a dropdown menu with some frequently used search options, as well as a link to the Extended Search interface, which offers many advanced search options.
Search options
Use the following options to search more efficiently.
Term |
Description |
Text* |
The Asterisk is a wildcard, which means e.g. "Textbla" will also be found. This operator may only be used at the end of a word. |
+Text |
Terms with a leading plus have to be found. |
-Text |
You can also exclude certain terms from your search by adding a minus sign. |
Text Text2 |
If you just write the words, every possibilitiy will be listed, even if only one of those terms is found. Results containing both terms will be listed topmost. |
>Text <Text2 |
With the arrow operator you can weight a certain term, which will then be more important within the search results. |
+Text +(>Text2 <Text3) |
You can also use brackets to make sub-searches. The example will list results including "Text" and "Text2" or "Text" and "Text3". The terms called first will have a greater importance. |
+Text ~Text2 |
The tilde allows you to negate the priority. Results including "Text" and "Text2" will not have a lower priority if "Text2" is not included. |
"Text Text2" |
The double quotemark allows you to highlight certain word groups. The search-results will then only include results where the whole word-group appears. "Text, Text2" for example will not be found, because there is a comma in between, which was not entered as phrase. |
You can also search for an author and limit the time frame of the search results. Specify also the area to be searched.