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12.02.2017, 02:57

FAQ - Magische Symbole

Was sind Magische Symbole?

Hierbei handelt es sich um Symbole, welche zusätzlich zu Runen & Einfassungen auf die Rüstung aufgetragen werden kann. Je nach Symbol bekommt deine Rüstung unterschiedliche Boni.
olgendes ist bei den Symbolen zu beachten: Je höherwertiger die Rüstung ist, desto mehr Symbole können auf diese aufgezeichnet werden. Hierbei gilt:
- graue Rüstung: 1 Symbol - grüne Rüstung: bis zu 2 Symbolen - blaue Rüstung: bis zu 3 Symbolen - violette Rüstung & rote Waffen/Bogen: bis zu 4 Symbolen

Andere rote Rüstungsteile können nicht mit Symbolen verbessert werden.

Wird ein Magischer Abdruck auf eine Rüstung angewendet, werden alle vorherigen Symbole gelöscht und durch neue zufällige ersetzt.Hierbei gilt, es kann kein Symbol gleicher Wertigkeit doppelt auf einem Rüstungsteil aufgetragen werden. Allerdings ist es möglich z.B. Symbol des Wiederstands Bust + Symbol des Wiederstands Bust auf einen Level 11 Beinschützer zu bekommen.In der folgenden Übersicht, können zu jedem Setteil die möglichen Symbole eingesehen werden. Auf z.B. einem blauen Level 6 Brustpanzer können hierbei bis zu 3 von den abgebildeten Symbole von Level 1-5 & 6 kommen.

Wo kaufe ich Magische Symbole?

Diese sind permanent im Bankladen unter Magische Abdrücke bzw. Runen und Fassungen gegen 0.75 Brillianten erhältlich.Während des Event´s "Magische Symbole" sind diese auch im Laden des Waffenschmieds auf dem Jahrmarktplatz gegen 1.5 Gold erhältlich.Hierbei gibt es auch die Möglichkeit diese wieder zurück zu geben gegen 0.75 Gold.

Eine Detaillierte Liste findet ihr in der Bibliothek.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 15 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Großer Magier« (11.08.2018, 20:54)


12.02.2017, 03:23

Magic Cuirass Mould  Kürass
Main Weapon Magic Mould  Hauptwaffe
Magic Shield Mould  Schild
Magical Chainmail Mould  Kettenhemd
Magical Boots Mould  Stiefel
Magical Gauntlets Mould  Armschienen
Magic Helmet Mould  Helm
Magic Bow Mould  Bogen
Magic Quiver Mould  Köcher

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 31 mal editiert, zuletzt von »meeri« (14.04.2018, 23:32)


18.02.2017, 05:54


Level 1-5:
Vit Symbol of Life  Tarth Symbol of Power  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Liber Symbol of Balance  Go Symbol of Movement  Ytkor-Dun Symbol of Rescue  Phen-Kor Defence Symbol  Skout-Toom Symbol of Stalwart Shield 

Level 6:
Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Tarth Symbol of Power  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Liber Symbol of Balance  Go Symbol of Movement  Ytkor-Dun Symbol of Rescue  Phen-Kor Defence Symbol  Skout-Toom Symbol of Stalwart Shield  Cryph-Tarth Symbol of Sacrificial Power 

Level 11:
Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Vit Symbol of Life  Tarth Symbol of Power  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Liber Symbol of Balance  Go Symbol of Movement  Ytkor-Dun Symbol of Rescue  Phen-Kor Defence Symbol  Skout-Toom Symbol of Stalwart Shield  Cryph-Tarth Symbol of Sacrificial Power  Mollyr Symbol of Assuagement  Mollyr Symbol of Assuagement  Domtar Symbol of Might  Athmaleph-Vid Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol  Phen-Mal Defence Symbol 

Level 16:
Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Vit Symbol of Life  Tarth Symbol of Power  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Liber Symbol of Balance  Go Symbol of Movement  Ytkor-Dun Symbol of Rescue  Phen-Kor Defence Symbol  Skout-Toom Symbol of Stalwart Shield  Cryph-Tarth Symbol of Sacrificial Power  Mollyr Symbol of Assuagement  Domtar Symbol of Might  Athmaleph-Vid Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol  Phen-Mal Defence Symbol 

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 14 mal editiert, zuletzt von »meeri« (14.04.2018, 23:33)


18.02.2017, 06:14


Level 1-5:
Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Vit Symbol of Life  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Koss Symbol of Evasion  Phen Symbol of Defence  Go Symbol of Movement  Orsus Symbol of Beginning  Go-Tung Symbol of Momentum  Atoum-Va Symbol of Confidence  Skout-Toom Symbol of Stalwart Shield 

Level 6:
Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Vit Symbol of Life  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Koss Symbol of Evasion  Phen Symbol of Defence  Go Symbol of Movement  Orsus Symbol of Beginning  Go-Tung Symbol of Momentum  Atoum-Va Symbol of Confidence  Skout-Toom Symbol of Stalwart Shield  Armat Symbol of Pantsir  Laet Symbol of Plenty 

Level 11:
Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Vit Symbol of Life  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Koss Symbol of Evasion  Phen Symbol of Defence  Go Symbol of Movement  Orsus Symbol of Beginning  Go-Tung Symbol of Momentum  Atoum-Va Symbol of Confidence  Skout-Toom Symbol of Stalwart Shield  Armat Symbol of Pantsir  Laet Symbol of Plenty  Ming Fu Symbol of Knowledge  Ming Fu Symbol of Knowledge  Nymen Symbol of Enclosure  Gitkar Symbol of Piercing  Athmaleph-Vid Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol  Ytmal-Dun Symbol of Rescue 

Level 16:
Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Vit Symbol of Life  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Koss Symbol of Evasion Phen Symbol of Defence  Go Symbol of Movement  Orsus Symbol of Beginning  Go-Tung Symbol of Momentum  Atoum-Va Symbol of Confidence Skout-Toom Symbol of Stalwart Shield  Armat Symbol of Pantsir  Laet Symbol of Plenty  Ming Fu Symbol of Knowledge  Nymen Symbol of Enclosure Gitkar Symbol of Piercing  Athmaleph-Vid Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol  Ytmal-Dun Symbol of Rescue 

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 8 mal editiert, zuletzt von »meeri« (14.04.2018, 23:34)


18.02.2017, 06:14


Level 1-5:
Vit Symbol of Life  Liber Symbol of Balance  Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Orsus Symbol of Beginning  Per-Flar Symbol of Will to Victory  Yt-Kor Symbol of Devastation  It-Flar Symbol of Will to Retribution 

Level 7:
Vit Symbol of Life  Liber Symbol of Balance  Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Orsus Symbol of Beginning  Per-Flar Symbol of Will to Victory  Yt-Kor Symbol of Devastation  It-Flar Symbol of Will to Retribution  Ming Fu Symbol of Knowledge  Scar Symbol of Prudence  Foed Symbol of Discord 

Level 12:
Vit Symbol of Life  Liber Symbol of Balance  Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Orsus Symbol of Beginning  Per-Flar Symbol of Will to Victory  Yt-Kor Symbol of Devastation  It-Flar Symbol of Will to Retribution  Ming Fu Symbol of Knowledge  Scar Symbol of Prudence  Foed Symbol of Discord  Karn Symbol of Destruction  Domtar Symbol of Might  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol  Yt-Mal Symbol of Devastation 

Level 17:
Vit Symbol of Life  Liber Symbol of Balance  Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Orsus Symbol of Beginning Per-Flar Symbol of Will to Victory  Yt-Kor Symbol of Devastation  It-Flar Symbol of Will to Retribution  Ming Fu Symbol of Knowledge  Scar Symbol of Prudence Foed Symbol of Discord  Karn Symbol of Destruction  Domtar Symbol of Might  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol  Yt-Mal Symbol of Devastation 

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 9 mal editiert, zuletzt von »meeri« (14.04.2018, 23:34)


18.02.2017, 06:14


Level 1-5:
Liber Symbol of Balance  Orsus Symbol of Beginning  Apt Symbol of Readiness  Stryg-Flar Symbol of Will to Live 

Level 7:
Liber Symbol of Balance  Orsus Symbol of Beginning  Apt Symbol of Readiness  Stryg-Flar Symbol of Will to Live  Ming Fu Symbol of Knowledge  Cryph-Tarth Symbol of Sacrificial Power  Mollyr Symbol of Assuagement  Incurr Symbol of Aggression  Foed Symbol of Discord 

Level 12:
Liber Symbol of Balance  Orsus Symbol of Beginning  Apt Symbol of Readiness  Stryg-Flar Symbol of Will to Live  Ming Fu Symbol of Knowledge  Cryph-Tarth Symbol of Sacrificial Power  Mollyr Symbol of Assuagement  Incurr Symbol of Aggression  Foed Symbol of Discord  Pall Symbol of Shroud 

Level 17:
Liber Symbol of Balance  Orsus Symbol of Beginning  Apt Symbol of Readiness  Stryg-Flar Symbol of Will to Live  Ming Fu Symbol of Knowledge  Cryph-Tarth Symbol of Sacrificial Power  Mollyr Symbol of Assuagement  Incurr Symbol of Aggression  Foed Symbol of Discord  Pall Symbol of Shroud 

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 7 mal editiert, zuletzt von »meeri« (14.04.2018, 23:34)


18.02.2017, 06:15


Level 1-5:
Vit Symbol of Life  Koss Symbol of Evasion  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Orsus Symbol of Beginning  Per-Flar Symbol of Will to Victory  Phen-Kor Defence Symbol  Kalyd Symbol of Precipitancy 

Level 7:
Vit Symbol of Life  Koss Symbol of Evasion  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Orsus Symbol of Beginning  Per-Flar Symbol of Will to Victory  Phen-Kor Defence Symbol  Kalyd Symbol of Precipitancy  Laet Symbol of Plenty  Phen-Mal Defence Symbol  Incurr Symbol of Aggression 

Level 12:
Vit Symbol of Life  Koss Symbol of Evasion  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Orsus Symbol of Beginning  Per-Flar Symbol of Will to Victory  Phen-Kor Defence Symbol  Kalyd Symbol of Precipitancy  Laet Symbol of Plenty  Phen-Mal Defence Symbol  Incurr Symbol of Aggression  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol 

Level 17:
Vit Symbol of Life  Koss Symbol of Evasion  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Orsus Symbol of Beginning  Per-Flar Symbol of Will to Victory  Phen-Kor Defence Symbol  Kalyd Symbol of Precipitancy  Laet Symbol of Plenty  Phen-Mal Defence Symbol  Incurr Symbol of Aggression  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol 

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 6 mal editiert, zuletzt von »meeri« (14.04.2018, 23:35)


18.02.2017, 06:15


Level 1-5:
Vit Symbol of Life  Phen Symbol of Defence  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Orsus Symbol of Beginning  Phen-Kor Defence Symbol  Skout-Toom Symbol of Stalwart Shield  It-Flar Symbol of Will to Retribution  Kalyd Symbol of Precipitancy 

Level 7:
Vit Symbol of Life  Phen Symbol of Defence  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Orsus Symbol of Beginning  Phen-Kor Defence Symbol  Skout-Toom Symbol of Stalwart Shield  It-Flar Symbol of Will to Retribution  Kalyd Symbol of Precipitancy  Laet Symbol of Plenty  Phen-Mal Defence Symbol  Nymen Symbol of Enclosure  Incurr Symbol of Aggression 

Level 12:
Vit Symbol of Life  Phen Symbol of Defence  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Orsus Symbol of Beginning  Phen-Kor Defence Symbol  Skout-Toom Symbol of Stalwart Shield  It-Flar Symbol of Will to Retribution  Kalyd Symbol of Precipitancy  Laet Symbol of Plenty  Phen-Mal Defence Symbol  Nymen Symbol of Enclosure  Incurr Symbol of Aggression  Athmaleph-Vid Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol 

Level 17:
Vit Symbol of Life  Phen Symbol of Defence  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Orsus Symbol of Beginning  Phen-Kor Defence Symbol  Skout-Toom Symbol of Stalwart Shield  It-Flar Symbol of Will to Retribution  Kalyd Symbol of Precipitancy  Laet Symbol of Plenty  Phen-Mal Defence Symbol  Nymen Symbol of Enclosure  Incurr Symbol of Aggression  Athmaleph-Vid Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol 

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 5 mal editiert, zuletzt von »meeri« (14.04.2018, 23:35)


18.02.2017, 06:15


Level 1-5:
Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Vit Symbol of Life  Tarth Symbol of Power  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Liber Symbol of Balance  Go Symbol of Movement  Ytkor-Dun Symbol of Rescue  Phen-Kor Defence Symbol  Skout-Toom Symbol of Stalwart Shield  Tubar-Dan Symbol of Inexorability 

Level 8:
Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Vit Symbol of Life  Tarth Symbol of Power  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Liber Symbol of Balance  Go Symbol of Movement  Ytkor-Dun Symbol of Rescue  Phen-Kor Defence Symbol  Skout-Toom Symbol of Stalwart Shield  Tubar-Dan Symbol of Inexorability  Mollyr Symbol of Assuagement  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol  Laet Symbol of Plenty  Phen-Mal Defence Symbol  Ytmal-Dun Symbol of Rescue 

Level 13:
Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Vit Symbol of Life  Tarth Symbol of Power  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Liber Symbol of Balance  Go Symbol of Movement  Ytkor-Dun Symbol of Rescue  Phen-Kor Defence Symbol  Skout-Toom Symbol of Stalwart Shield  Tubar-Dan Symbol of Inexorability  Mollyr Symbol of Assuagement  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol  Laet Symbol of Plenty  Phen-Mal Defence Symbol  Ytmal-Dun Symbol of Rescue  Pall Symbol of Shroud  Athmaleph-Vid Defence Symbol 

Level 18:
Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Vit Symbol of Life  Tarth Symbol of Power  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Liber Symbol of Balance  Go Symbol of Movement  Ytkor-Dun Symbol of Rescue  Phen-Kor Defence Symbol  Skout-Toom Symbol of Stalwart Shield  Tubar-Dan Symbol of Inexorability  Mollyr Symbol of Assuagement  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol  Laet Symbol of Plenty  Phen-Mal Defence Symbol  Ytmal-Dun Symbol of Rescue  Pall Symbol of Shroud  Athmaleph-Vid Defence Symbol 

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 12 mal editiert, zuletzt von »meeri« (14.04.2018, 23:36)


18.02.2017, 06:15


Level 1-5:
Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Vit Symbol of Life  Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Phen Symbol of Defence  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Liber Symbol of Balance  Go Symbol of Movement  Orsus Symbol of Beginning  Go-Tung Symbol of Momentum  Atoum-Va Symbol of Confidence  Stryg-Flar Symbol of Will to Live  Per-Flar Symbol of Will to Victory  Skout-Toom Symbol of Stalwart Shield  It-Flar Symbol of Will to Retribution 

Level 8:
Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Vit Symbol of Life  Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Phen Symbol of Defence  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Liber Symbol of Balance  Go Symbol of Movement  Orsus Symbol of Beginning  Go-Tung Symbol of Momentum  Atoum-Va Symbol of Confidence  Stryg-Flar Symbol of Will to Live  Per-Flar Symbol of Will to Victory  Skout-Toom Symbol of Stalwart Shield  It-Flar Symbol of Will to Retribution  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol 

Level 13:
Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Vit Symbol of Life  Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Phen Symbol of Defence Booste Symbol of Resistance  Liber Symbol of Balance  Go Symbol of Movement  Orsus Symbol of Beginning  Go-Tung Symbol of Momentum Atoum-Va Symbol of Confidence  Stryg-Flar Symbol of Will to Live  Per-Flar Symbol of Will to Victory  Skout-Toom Symbol of Stalwart Shield  It-Flar Symbol of Will to Retribution Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol 

Level 18:
Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Vit Symbol of Life  Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Phen Symbol of Defence  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Liber Symbol of Balance  Go Symbol of Movement  Orsus Symbol of Beginning  Go-Tung Symbol of Momentum  Atoum-Va Symbol of Confidence  Stryg-Flar Symbol of Will to Live  Per-Flar Symbol of Will to Victory  Skout-Toom Symbol of Stalwart Shield  It-Flar Symbol of Will to Retribution  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol 

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 7 mal editiert, zuletzt von »meeri« (14.04.2018, 23:36)


18.02.2017, 06:15


Level 1-5:
Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Vit Symbol of Life  Tarth Symbol of Power  Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Koss Symbol of Evasion  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Liber Symbol of Balance  Atoum-Va Symbol of Confidence  Yt-Kor Symbol of Devastation  Prod-Fort Symbol of Ability  Atum-Forte Symbol of Mastery 

Level 9:
Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Vit Symbol of Life  Tarth Symbol of Power  Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Koss Symbol of Evasion  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Liber Symbol of Balance  Atoum-Va Symbol of Confidence  Yt-Kor Symbol of Devastation  Prod-Fort Symbol of Ability  Atum-Forte Symbol of Mastery  Ming Fu Symbol of Knowledge  Mollyr Symbol of Assuagement  Armat Symbol of Pantsir  Athmaleph-Vid Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol  Foed Symbol of Discord 

Level 14:
Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Vit Symbol of Life  Tarth Symbol of Power  Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Koss Symbol of Evasion  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Liber Symbol of Balance  Atoum-Va Symbol of Confidence  Yt-Kor Symbol of Devastation  Prod-Fort Symbol of Ability  Atum-Forte Symbol of Mastery  Ming Fu Symbol of Knowledge  Mollyr Symbol of Assuagement  Armat Symbol of Pantsir  Athmaleph-Vid Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol  Foed Symbol of Discord  Karn Symbol of Destruction  Domtar Symbol of Might 

Level 19:
Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Vit Symbol of Life  Tarth Symbol of Power  Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Koss Symbol of Evasion  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Liber Symbol of Balance  Atoum-Va Symbol of Confidence  Yt-Kor Symbol of Devastation  Prod-Fort Symbol of Ability  Atum-Forte Symbol of Mastery  Ming Fu Symbol of Knowledge  Mollyr Symbol of Assuagement  Armat Symbol of Pantsir  Athmaleph-Vid Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol  Foed Symbol of Discord  Karn Symbol of Destruction  Domtar Symbol of Might 

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 5 mal editiert, zuletzt von »meeri« (14.04.2018, 23:36)


18.02.2017, 06:16


Level 1-5:
Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Vit Symbol of Life  Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Koss Symbol of Evasion  Phen Symbol of Defence  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Apt Symbol of Readiness  Atoum-Va Symbol of Confidence  Phen-Kor Defence Symbol  Yt-Kor Symbol of Devastation  Prod-Fort Symbol of Ability  Atum-Forte Symbol of Mastery  Kalyd Symbol of Precipitancy 

Level 9:
Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Vit Symbol of Life  Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Koss Symbol of Evasion  Phen Symbol of Defence  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Apt Symbol of Readiness  Atoum-Va Symbol of Confidence  Phen-Kor Defence Symbol  Yt-Kor Symbol of Devastation  Prod-Fort Symbol of Ability  Atum-Forte Symbol of Mastery  Kalyd Symbol of Precipitancy  Ming Fu Symbol of Knowledge  Cryph-Tarth Symbol of Sacrificial Power  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol  Foed Symbol of Discord  Phen-Mal Defence Symbol 

Level 14:
Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Vit Symbol of Life  Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Koss Symbol of Evasion  Phen Symbol of Defence  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Apt Symbol of Readiness  Atoum-Va Symbol of Confidence  Phen-Kor Defence Symbol  Yt-Kor Symbol of Devastation  Prod-Fort Symbol of Ability  Atum-Forte Symbol of Mastery  Kalyd Symbol of Precipitancy  Ming Fu Symbol of Knowledge  Cryph-Tarth Symbol of Sacrificial Power  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol  Foed Symbol of Discord  Phen-Mal Defence Symbol  Gitkar Symbol of Piercing  Torque Symbol of Curve  Yt-Mal Symbol of Devastation 

Level 19:
Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Vit Symbol of Life  Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Koss Symbol of Evasion  Phen Symbol of Defence  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Apt Symbol of Readiness  Atoum-Va Symbol of Confidence  Phen-Kor Defence Symbol  Yt-Kor Symbol of Devastation  Prod-Fort Symbol of Ability  Atum-Forte Symbol of Mastery  Kalyd Symbol of Precipitancy  Ming Fu Symbol of Knowledge  Cryph-Tarth Symbol of Sacrificial Power  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol  Foed Symbol of Discord  Phen-Mal Defence Symbol  Gitkar Symbol of Piercing  Torque Symbol of Curve  Yt-Mal Symbol of Devastation 

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 6 mal editiert, zuletzt von »meeri« (14.04.2018, 23:37)


18.02.2017, 06:16


Level 1-5:
Vit Symbol of Life  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Laet Symbol of Plenty  Tubar-Dan Symbol of Inexorability 

Level 10:
Vit Symbol of Life  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Laet Symbol of Plenty  Tubar-Dan Symbol of Inexorability  Ming Fu Symbol of Knowledge  Mollyr Symbol of Assuagement  Nymen Symbol of Enclosure  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol  Phen-Mal Defence Symbol 

Level 15:
Vit Symbol of Life  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Laet Symbol of Plenty  Tubar-Dan Symbol of Inexorability  Ming Fu Symbol of Knowledge  Mollyr Symbol of Assuagement  Nymen Symbol of Enclosure  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol  Phen-Mal Defence Symbol  Karn Symbol of Destruction  Guit Symbol of Concentration  Fast Symbol of Asceticism  Domtar Symbol of Might  Torque Symbol of Curve  Yt-Mal Symbol of Devastation  Maleph-Fort Symbol of Luck 

Level 20:
Vit Symbol of Life  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Atvol Symbol of Invulnerability  Laet Symbol of Plenty  Tubar-Dan Symbol of Inexorability  Ming Fu Symbol of Knowledge  Mollyr Symbol of Assuagement  Nymen Symbol of Enclosure  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol  Phen-Mal Defence Symbol  Karn Symbol of Destruction  Guit Symbol of Concentration  Fast Symbol of Asceticism  Domtar Symbol of Might  Torque Symbol of Curve  Yt-Mal Symbol of Devastation  Maleph-Fort Symbol of Luck 

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 5 mal editiert, zuletzt von »meeri« (14.04.2018, 23:37)


18.02.2017, 06:16


Level 3:
Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Koss Symbol of Evasion  Phen Symbol of Defence  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Scour Symbol of Fury  Scour Symbol of Fury  Stryg-Flar Symbol of Will to Live  Per-Flar Symbol of Will to Victory  It-Flar Symbol of Will to Retribution  Kalyd Symbol of Precipitancy 

Level 7:
Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Koss Symbol of Evasion  Phen Symbol of Defence  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Scour Symbol of Fury  Scour Symbol of Fury  Stryg-Flar Symbol of Will to Live  Per-Flar Symbol of Will to Victory  It-Flar Symbol of Will to Retribution  Kalyd Symbol of Precipitancy  Ming Fu Symbol of Knowledge  Laet Symbol of Plenty  Foed Symbol of Discord 

Level 12:
Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Koss Symbol of Evasion  Phen Symbol of Defence  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Scour Symbol of Fury  Skor-Va Symbol of Anger  Stryg-Flar Symbol of Will to Live  Per-Flar Symbol of Will to Victory  It-Flar Symbol of Will to Retribution  Kalyd Symbol of Precipitancy  Ming Fu Symbol of Knowledge  Laet Symbol of Plenty  Foed Symbol of Discord  Karn Symbol of Destruction  Domtar Symbol of Might  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol  Gord Symbol of Steadfastness 

Level 17:
Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Koss Symbol of Evasion  Phen Symbol of Defence  Booste Symbol of Resistance  Scour Symbol of Fury  Skor-Va Symbol of Anger  Stryg-Flar Symbol of Will to Live  Per-Flar Symbol of Will to Victory  It-Flar Symbol of Will to Retribution  Kalyd Symbol of Precipitancy  Ming Fu Symbol of Knowledge  Laet Symbol of Plenty  Foed Symbol of Discord  Karn Symbol of Destruction  Domtar Symbol of Might  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol  Gord Symbol of Steadfastness 

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 6 mal editiert, zuletzt von »meeri« (14.04.2018, 23:38)


18.02.2017, 06:59


Level 3:
Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Koss Symbol of Evasion  Phen Symbol of Defence  Scour Symbol of Fury  Scour Symbol of Fury  Apt Symbol of Readiness  Saguit Symbol of Arrow 

Level 7:
Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Koss Symbol of Evasion  Phen Symbol of Defence  Scour Symbol of Fury  Scour Symbol of Fury  Apt Symbol of Readiness  Saguit Symbol of Arrow  Ming Fu Symbol of Knowledge  Laet Symbol of Plenty 

Level 12:
Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Koss Symbol of Evasion  Phen Symbol of Defence  Scour Symbol of Fury  Skor-Va Symbol of Anger  Apt Symbol of Readiness  Saguit Symbol of Arrow  Ming Fu Symbol of Knowledge  Laet Symbol of Plenty  Gitkar Symbol of Piercing  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol  Torque Symbol of Curve 

Level 17:
Scent Symbol of Foreboding  Koss Symbol of Evasion  Phen Symbol of Defence  Scour Symbol of Fury  Skor-Va Symbol of Anger  Apt Symbol of Readiness  Saguit Symbol of Arrow  Ming Fu Symbol of Knowledge  Laet Symbol of Plenty  Gitkar Symbol of Piercing  Athmaleph-Ard Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Mar Defence Symbol  Athmaleph-Umbr Defence Symbol  Torque Symbol of Curve 

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 7 mal editiert, zuletzt von »meeri« (14.04.2018, 23:38)


10.06.2020, 19:29

Übersicht Magische Symbole in der Bibliothek.

Zurzeit ist neben dir 1 Benutzer in diesem Thema unterwegs:

1 Besucher