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  • Mackenzie

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Über mich

  • Oh, how I dream with you To touch you and gently hug. (Point), and I continue to miss. The distances between us, kilometers ... I Love You Quotes I want to fly to you like the wind. Sit quietly alone on the window, finger on the glass, smile, like a make-believe, I want to give someone a look. But all this is so hopeless, After all, without you, I myself am not my own, Call me, it's not difficult, Call me, I miss you! Outside the window a rain drizzle, Ripples flow down the glass, The heart suffers from longing. I miss you so much, it's so hard to get along without you. You are my love, my delight, I beg you, please come back. The snow is spinning, taking away with itself, The wind is howling, knocking on the window ... I miss you again, It's not easy for me in the winter without you ...

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